Made Visible Writing Class: Revision

August 2021 Session

“Made Visible Writing Class: Revision” is for writers who have completed the Made Visible Writing Class and want to focus on refining and polishing a selection of their first drafts.

Revision is writing. It can be an intimidating process, because it sometimes feels like we have to start over, and in the process, throw away sentences and paragraphs we love. But in my mind, revision doesn’t mean that. Anything you’ve written becomes part of a piece’s DNA—and even if you delete it from the page in the name of making the piece more concise or changing the structure, those words still exist in the bones of the piece. When you write new sentences or move paragraphs, all the work you’ve already done is there to help you. This, at least, has been my experience with revision. I encourage you to think about this, if revision feels daunting or less fun than generating!  

Of course, this is just one way of thinking about revision. As we talk about your pieces and support you with ideas for how you might revise them, we’ll talk about how you view revision, too.


This class is four weeks long and will be capped at 4 writers. The fee for this class is $450. 

Over the course of the class, you’ll present two drafts (this can be two different stories, or two revisions of the same story). You’ll share your essay in advance with the class for everyone to read, provide line edits and write feedback to be discussed further in class. Our class sessions will allow us to workshop your piece, answer any questions you have and discuss in depth the changes that you’d like to make to enhance the essay. We’ll also discuss pitching and publishing your piece if that’s something you’re interested in doing.

You’ll have one 30-minute session with me to talk about questions that surfaced during your in-class workshop, areas in your piece you’re still grappling with, where to pitch your essay or really, anything that came up for you while writing.

The class will begin in August 2021. The scheduling of the four virtual sessions will take place once all four students are enrolled.

Email to sign up

Class takeaways in summary:

  • Written edits/comments from Harper and your classmates on two drafts (in this class, the drafts you submit may be up to 1500 words; in revising, you may be expanding sections!).

  • Four 75 minute workshop sessions, where you’ll get verbal feedback on your draft from Harper and your classmates for 30 minutes. Each writer will have two in-class workshop sessions.

  • One 30-minute 1x1 meetings with Harper to discuss questions, revision ideas and pitching and publishing.

  • A deeper understanding of revision and your own strengths and challenges when revising.

  • Two pieces (or one, should you choose to focus on one piece) that are near-finished. Whatever your goal (publication online or in a print journal, assembling a collection), you will be one step closer after completing these rounds of revision.

 Have questions about the Made Visible Writing Class: Revisions? Email